Shoulders having issues? Wrists bothering you? Are your yoga mechanics/ alignment working for you or against you in your practice?
Offering a 90 minute INTENSIVE on safe joint mobility practice and muscular engagement in chaturanga dandasana (four-limbed staff pose)/ arm balances and adho mukha svanasana (downward facing dog).
From constantly bending forward, our upper chest and ribs cave in or move back in relationship to our neck or alternatively our hips, when this occurs its difficult to get proper engagement of certain muscles and we loose proprioception (myofascial memory/cell memory) of correct posture.
In this chaturanga intensive we will take a look at what is happening individually within the anatomy and finding the safest mechanics and execution of “chaturanga arms.” We want to create healthy and strong shoulders/arms/chest in order to have longevity and power in our yoga practice!