A "Sound Bath Meditation" is all about energy, frequency & vibration. It is a very therapeutic form of meditation because you’re literally being "bathed" in sound waves. As these sound wave energies wash over your body, they can move the brain from the beta and into an alpha & theta brainwave state.
Basically, this means that the sound vibrations help to shift your brain into a calmer state and allows you the opportunity to experience a deeper meditation which can lead you to profound relaxation & healing.
Sound meditations are wonderful for all types of meditators but are especially good for beginners because if you’ve ever attempted to meditate, you’ll know that the second you try not to think about stuff, is when your brain decides to think about everything!
However, in a Sound Meditation, the tones & frequencies give the mind something to hold onto. And so, the sounds of the singing bowls, instruments, etc... helps to cut through the mental chatter and quiet the mind down quite a bit.
Additionally, according to some traditions, these specific tones are the frequencies at which the bodies 7 major energy centers (chakras) should be resonating at. And therefore, these vibrations can help to bring the energetic body back into alignment and balance.
Join us as Anthony Profeta, Meditation Teacher, uses the sounds of Crystal Bowls, Himalayan Singing Bowls, and other instruments to create an environment which will wash away your stress, fill you with inner peace and joy, and allow you the opportunity to bring healing to your body, mind & soul. This experience is sure to leave you feeling renewed and rejuvenated.
If you've never experienced a sound meditation this is an event you will not want to miss.
COST: $20 in advance ($25 at door)
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Yamas & Niyamas Workshop with Lisa St. Amand
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Vinyasa, Vision Board & Vino